Episode 113: Snapper season, spooling dilemmas, snapper diaries, new spono
Management is in jail!! Adam calls 2024 as the 2nd best snapper season of all time, Luke's spooling dilemmas and the guys ask YOU for your snapper diaries, plus a new sponsor on board.
All this and heaps more.....
Episode 107: Fishing Festivals, Cold Calls, Snapper Diaries #2
In this episode, Adam gives us Snapper Diaries #2, the guys surprise Lee Rayner with a cold call, Luke creates the next big thing in fishing festivals and the team are harassed by management again.
All this and much much more.....
Episode 106: Ice jigs, bluefin hype, snapper diaries
After a rev up from management, the boys tackle some questions from the gram.
Ice Jigs for snapper? Could it be a thing?
Has the hype around barrel bluefin tuna died off?
Luke questions the relevance of a once very popular species, and Adam gives us his Snapper Diaries #1
All this and much much more.....
Episode 10: Prawn lures, Fishing diaries, Fishing glove acceptance
Is Victoria the only state that doesn’t froth on prawn style lures?
Do you keep a fishing diary?
When is it acceptable to wear fishing gloves?